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Enhance the quality of your blog posts with Yahoo! Shortcuts.

Yahoo! Shortcuts is a new plug-in that will help you improve the quality of your blog posts by suggesting you photos, maps, quotes, headlines, and much more related to your blog posts. is plug-in is available only for Wordpress now and will be available for other platforms in the near future.

Relevant Shortcuts
When you write you blog post Yahoo Shortcuts will suggest you relevant content related to that post by searching in websites like Flickr for photos and other websites on the internet for news, products, people, places, and lot more. You can enhance and add more depth to your posts using the content suggested by Yahoo Shortcuts. The shortcuts found by Yahoo Shortcuts will be underlined. You can add these shortcuts to your blog posts and customize the way a shortcut looks in your blog post. If you think a particular shortcut is not relevant you can delete it.

Adding Images
Adding images to your blog posts can be made easy with Yahoo Shortcuts. As you write your post Yahoo Shortcuts will search and find relevant images for your post from Flickr. You did not have to manually search and find images. You can then select the appropriate image and add the image link to your post. You can also determine the size, width, and alignment of the image.
Yahoo Shortcuts is an amazing plug-in which is a boon to bloggers and help them to improve the quality of blog posts. It is also beneficial for the readers because they got more relevant information while reading a single post.


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