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Rapidshare download manager JDownloader

There are lot of download managers that offer you the facility to download files from Rapidshare. If you are a premium member you can use any download manager to download your files. If you are a free user you cannot use a download manager to download files. Even if you download the file there is no guarantee that the file works because the file hosters are making constant modifications to prevent these kind of downloads. So if one download manager works for a day then it is unsure that it may work for any longer.

My quest for the best, free, and most importantly a working download manager for free is almost in vain. It is recently that I heard about JDownloader, which is a free download manager with lot of features and that supports not just Rapidshare, but over 100 different other file sharing services. So I decided to try JDownloader to download some files from Rapidshare.
Downloading files with JDownloader is easy and it also offers you a lot of benefits. First you can copy the DDL link to a Rapidshare and paste it in JDownloader to download it. You can also drag and drop the link into JDownloader. You can paste as many links as you can and each file will be downloaded one after the other. Another great benefit is that you did not have to fill captchas or remain in queue to download a file. JDownloader will automatically do this task for you.

Amazing features of JDownloader.
JDownloader has so many features that you cannot expect from a free Rapidshare download manager. The first and the foremost thing is that it is free and open source. It can auto complete captchas in about 26 different file hosting services and it supports more than 100 one-click filehosters. It allows you to create a list of files by copying and pasting the file into JDowloader or you can make it automatically do this by allowing it to monitor your clipboard. It also allows you to download multiple files from multiple filehosters simultaneously. It has a reconnect feature which will be configured so that DSL users can automatically obtain an IP. It has lot of other features like a file upacker, a password list manager, plugin support, and even allows you to select a preferred server from a particular filehoster.

After you have downloaded JDownloader you have to run the file named "JDownloader.jar” to start the installation process. Then you have to select the download location for all your files. Before installing JDownlaoder make sure that you have installed the latest JRE in your computer.

Now you can start downloading files with Rapidshare. It is pretty cool and easy. Before you start downloading files you have to accept the Terms of Services for all file hosting services. It may take some time before a download starts because if you are a free user then waiting time cannot be bypassed. But you did not have to intervene in the download process. The files will be downloaded automatically once the waiting time is over. A very important thing you have to do is, whenever JDownloader prompts you to update it, then do it because otherwise it may not work. These updates are patches for different new features and modifications to bypass JDownloader included to a file hosting service. You have to update JDownloader frequently to continue downloading files for free.

JDownloader is the best Rapidshare downloader you can get and it is completely free and open source. You can download this handy application here. Linux users can visit this link to download JDownlaoder.


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