The new smart phone from Sony Ericsson, which is rumored to be a Android powered mobile phone was recently exposed. This new phone will be equipped with a 4-inch WVGA screen and an 8 megapixel auto-focus camera.

Sony Ericsson Rachael is expected to be equipped with Qualcomm QSD8250 Snapdragon platform, a 1GHz processor and 3D graphics engine. It is also expected to have a miniUSB and 3.5mm headphone jack.
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China is always a world dominator in adapting and creating new technologies. The Chinese people have loved and utilized the potential of the web like no other. They now have surpassed US population and become the country with the largest number of internet users according to CNNIC. A registry of the total number of internet users and registered top-level domains in China is maintained by China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC).
China has created history with landing their Taikonut in the moon and now they have surpassed another landmark. There is no relationship between space crafts and surfing the internet, but it showed the technological advantage they have gained over the years. China now has become an indisputable power among the technologically advanced nations in the world. So this is not a very surprising thing that they are also the largest users of internet.
China now has about 338 million internet users. There are about 13 million websites that are registered under the top level domain .cn. The tremendous increase in internet usage in china attributes to many new and modern technologies like popularity of 3G enabled mobiles and other internet enabled gadgets. Among the 338 million users about 155 million access the internet using mobile devices. Almost half of the internet users in China are accessing web on the go.
China is the biggest populated nations in the world. So even though it has surpassed the US population the gross population accessing the internet is close to 40% when compared to 74% in US. The number of security issues is also increasing with the steady growth in internet usage, which is a matter of concern. Technology has both pros and cons. So with increasing number of users China will also become a huge market for security software companies.
China is also the largest broadband internet using nation in the world and .cn, the country code top-level domain of China, is second largest top-level domain in the world.
Twitter has proved its dominance in the internet with in a short period. It has become popular among millions of people around the world. They use Twitter like their mobile phones to send messages and that for free. It provides internet users a great oppurtunity to share their deeds with their friends, family, and the world.

Twitter is a efficient and free messaging tool, which sometimes in the future may replace even e-mails. Time may come that some may ask your Twitter ID so that he can follow you or sent you tweets. This is a great thing in the information exchange point of view, but there are lot of buisness and branding possbilities with Twitter too. Many popular companies have started their own Twitter accounts and share tweets with the world. They see this as an oppurtunity to increase their brand popularity and reach millions of common people around the world at the same time.
We know how much RSS feed have helped bloggers to improve their blog popularity and your feed count is the proof of your blog success and search engines give lot more importance to your feed count while ranking your blog in their list. The time has gone, when you have to post your blog address at forums and request websites to place links in their websites. There is no need for such things now. There are many other ways before us now. You can list your blogs in blog search engines or blog directories, bookmarklets and now you have one other way to increase the popularity of your blog and make it a brand, and that is by using Twitter.
Twitter has opened another oppurtunity for bloggers to start attracting more users to their blog. What you have to do is tweet about the contents of your blog, about your blog, about yourself, and latest happenings in topics that relates to the content of your blog. It will help the world notice your blog so easily and fast. You might have seen the "Follow me at Twitter" button in many websites. So some day it is possible that RSS feeds may be replaced by this button.
There are many advantages using Twitter than many other services, it offers direct communication among followers and tweeters. It offers dynamic traffic to your site. If some of your followers like your blog or its content they will re-tweet it. In this way you get more traffic without doing anything. Twitter will help you create a brand image for your blog. All you have to do is to start a twitter account with the name of your blog. Another thing is that you can create any number of twitter accounts and manage them easily from your desktop. The most important thing is that it allows you to communicate with your followers, know what they are accepting, take ideas from them, and build a strong relationship with your readers. Many top websites have opened their twitter accounts and already have thousands of followers. So why are your waiting. Start your own
Twitter account for your blog and boost your blog traffic.
Hulbee is a new search engine which helps you search the web by adding related tags to your search queries. It uses Yahoo search index to provide you with related queries there by helping you to build queries by the click of a mouse button. It is another experiment in simplifying web search. Searching the web with Hulbee is very easy. Hulbee has a very intusive interface. While you search by entering a particular query,then Hulbee presents you with related keywords on the left side. These related queries are displayed as a tag cloud, like in a blog or a website. When you click on any of these tags, it will be added to your search query. In this way you can add more and more tags to your search query there by refining your search results.

I searched with Hulbee and it is a very interesting experience. You can also search Hulbee by entering your search queries and Hulbee will suggest you with related queries in a tag cloud. When a related tag is already in the search result, it will be highlighted. You can refine your search by adding the suggested queries. This will help you narrow your search and get quality results.
Hulbee is not a great search engine or even comparable to search engines like Google. But it will defenitely help you to make your search more simple and according to the developers of Hulbbe:"Changing of query on Hulbee is quite simple. Adding or excluding of query word takes one click. Intellectual technologies allow Hulbee to suggest possible query variants. For successful search it is enough to pick suitable one from suggested variants. Hulbee relieves from the necessity of keyboard using, it is normal to build query with mouse only."I assume that the motivation behind Hulbee is to make you use the mouse more than the keyboard while searching, but I think it is quite useful and will satisfy any kind of user. Moreover, if a search engine can provide you with what you need in one search that is better than building queries. Hulbee is efficient in that aspect too. It provides you with quality results and while adding more and more tags you will get more refined results.
The idea behind Hulbee is simple and it uses a new technology to present keywords with related themes as a cloud. Query suggestion is not a new thing and this option is availabe in search engines like Google, Yahoo, and others. The only difference is that they suggest you queries while you type your queries. Google provides you with apt query suggestions and it makes your search much faster to some extend. Hulbee implements this idea in a more different way, however, it is the search results that count.

Google also has come up with a new search feature similar to cloud search, which is called
Wonder Wheel, which can be accessed by clicking on "Show options" link located on the top left of your search results. It will help you search and refine your results by clicking and navigating among queries suggested by Google.
I hope you enjoyed the post.