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How to view the list of all opened files in your system?

There are times we want to delete some files and we got error messages like "The file is being used by another person or program". This is because the the file in currently in use by an application or process. OpenedFilesView is a tool that allows advanced users to view all opened files in their system along with other details like handle value file position, process, file size, attributes, Full Path etc.

After you have identified the process or application you can use OpenedFilesView to kill the process associated, close the file handles, bring the process to front etc. It can also generate an HTML report of all opened files or a selected file. The HTML file contains the name of the files and their exact path.

You may know that some of the process or files in your system are not genuine or are related to viruses and spywares. Every time you try to delete them you got an access denied message. You can use OpenedFilesView to resolve these " problems. If you are a newbie you find it a bit tough. But it is a very useful tool which helps you identify whether a application running in your system is malicious or not.To download OpenedFilesView click here.


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