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A social bookmarking site for Bloggers!

Social bookmarking is a great way of finding new websites on the web for web surfers. It also is a way to proclaim the world that I have a site or blog and attract more traffic to it.
Digg, Stumble Upon, are examples of some sites that allow you to bookmark websites. Now a new site has arrived which allow bloggers to bookmarks their blogs, comment on blogs etc. is a social bookmarking site, but it is for bloggers. It is more or less similar to those Diggs and Dels but aimed at the blogosphere.

The site has just started and is quite new that there is only a meager content that you can find here. Since it is a social bookmarking site and more than that, a blog bookmarking site it is up to you, bloggers to bookmark their favorite blogs. The site is well organized and each to navigate with lot of categories like Arts, Science, Crafts and so on. There is a cool bookmarklet feature too.
To start with you have to create an account with While creating an account you have to enter your blog address along with other details like email address and all. Since it is a new site at first I do not think it worth a try. But as time goes on I think you will benefit a lot. It is not just a bookmarking site; it is where a blogger can promote his blog, share his thoughts, ideas, evaluate the popularity of a blog. A user can rate a blog, browse blogs based on categories, and subscribe to categories to topics of his interest.
Overall it is a nice site that has a great purpose and a boon for bloggers who are always looking for ways to promote their blog. This one is for you and you will definitely benefit from it in the long run. To sign up with click here.


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